【徵件】CALL for Teaching Proposals for Faculty Exchan
2015-02-25• 最新活動
CALL for Teaching Proposals
for Faculty Exchange to
College of Social and Media Culture in Torun, Poland
The College of Social and Media Culture in Torun, Poland invites two professors to give lectures at the College of Social and Media Culture in Torun, Poland. The disciplines for lecture are:
1. Journalism and Communication (1 professor)
2. Political Sciences (1 professor)
The lectures will be given to students on Bachelor and Master Levels.
For interested faculty members, please submit the application form for faculty exchange by e-mail to 075815@mail.fju.edu.tw before 30th December, 2016. Results will be announced in a timely manner upon the confirmation from the College of Social and Media Culture.
Details of the exchange:
Period of the mobility: January - November 2017.
Number of teaching hours for one teacher: 4* 90 minutes
Period of stay: minimum 5 working days (the stay may be longer)
Grant: 980 Euros
Travel: 1100 Euros
For application form please download it from http://aec.oie.fju.edu.tw/oia/public/share/files/APPLICATION FORM FOR FACULTY EXCHANGE.docx